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An Experienced Distinctive Guide on Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO full form is Search Engine Optimization. It is a set of optimization techniques for websites, blogs, and web pages. These optimizations aim to achieve good organic rankings by generating traffic and authority for a website or blog.

SEO is one of the main strategies of Digital Marketing.

After all, who doesn't want to appear in the top positions of Google's organic search? There are the links most viewed and clicked on by users, who do not usually go beyond the first page to find the answers they are looking for.

So a good SEO strategy will get you there! Your website, blog, or online store becomes better known, gains authority in the market, receives more visitors and increases the chances of conversions.

And you know what is better? You get all this without investing in media, based on optimizations on your own pages and in relationships with other sites to improve users' browsing and search experience.

In this short SEO guide, you'll know all about how to get to the top of Google! We will cover the following topics:

  • What is SEO?
  • How to do Keyword Research?
  • What is On-page SEO?
  • What is Off-page SEO?
  • How does Technical SEO work?
  • SEO Audits
  • What is Local SEO?

So, let's get started right now!

What is SEO?

SEO is the set of optimization strategies for websites, blogs, and web pages that aim to improve their positioning in organic search engine results. It is the acronym for Search Engine Optimization, which means optimization for search engines.

Every second, millions of searches are made in search engines especially Google, the most used search engine in the world.

Users want to answer the most diverse questions in their daily lives, from the best-rated hotel for the next trip to the explanation of the theory of evolution.

In each search, Google tries to organize the content in a ranking that offers the best answers in the first positions. And the numbers below show that users trust this search engine judgment:

- The first three organic links receive about 30% of clicks,

- Only 0.78% of users click on any link on the second page of results.

Thus, you have more chances to gain visibility and clicks, receive more organic traffic, and have more results with your online presence.

But for that, you need to prove to Google that you have the best answer and deserve to appear in the top positions of the SERP (Search Engine Results Page).

And that means not only having the best content, but also providing good usability, gaining market authority, and giving Google good page readability. 

That's what an SEO strategy is all about.

SEO is also part of SEM ( Search Engine Marketing ), which encompasses all kinds of strategies for search engines, including the creation of paid ads and sponsored links. 

SEO, in turn, is just organic strategies, which do not involve media buying. Therefore, increased return on investment (ROI) and reduced cost of customer acquisition (CAC) are often results of SEO.

How to Do Keyword Research?

Keyword research seeks to identify the search terms that have the greatest potential for the strategy, based on search volume, conversions, and competitiveness.

It is one of the main tools for planning an SEO and Content Marketing strategy. After all, it allows you to identify optimization opportunities and set priorities for content production.

A keyword search typically starts with a listing of terms related to your industry, products, and brand. You can get ideas from Google Analytics and Google Search Console, which we saw earlier, or from keyword tools, which we'll look at next.

Then you need to organize this list. You can separate the most used terms at each step of the sales funnel and rank the list according to the greatest potential return for the strategy.

Let's say you're starting a blog on your site and identify the word that drives the most traffic to it. 

Then, you can start with it and produce a post optimized for that keyword to attract more visitors.

Next, you'll better understand what keywords are and what types of terms you can work with.

Well, we will not discuss it in detail, as I already shared a detailed you can check it out here - How to Find Low Competition Keywords? Advanced Keyword Research Checklist

What is On-page SEO?

In this topic, we will unveil the main optimization factors linked to your pages, which should be part of your on-page SEO strategy.

Remember that on-page factors refer to what the administrator can optimize on their own pages to improve the visitor experience and make the site easier for Google to read.

These optimizations must be integrated into the Content Marketing strategy since most of them are made on the content that is published on the website or blog.

What is Off-page SEO?

Now, it's time to look outside your pages in off-page SEO. What can you do to gain more authority in the marketplace and show Google that you are a referral?

Here it is necessary to realize that, unlike on-page SEO, in off-page SEO you do not have full control over the optimization. 

The decision to give backlinks to your website and make mentions or direct searches for your brand depends on a third party.

What you can do is increase the chances that this will happen. For this, you can adopt link-building strategies, guest posting, redirecting broken links, among other ways to reinforce the backlinks profile and generate more authority for the page.

How does Technical SEO work?

The SEO universe is vast and also includes more technical aspects of your website structure. Check out what these factors are and how to optimize them!

An important part of on-page SEO is technical SEO. These are all the optimizations you can make to the site's internal structure that is, the site's code and architecture with the intention of making it faster, more understandable, crawlable, and indexable.

SEO Audits

In technical SEO, one of the main actions you should take is auditing, especially at the beginning of an optimization project.

An SEO audit identifies issues with crawling, loading, usability (especially on mobile), among other errors that affect user navigation and site ranking. 

These are some elements that an audit can point out:

  • Broken links,
  • Tracking errors,
  • Redirect errors,
  • Duplicate content,
  • Blocked pages (robots.txt, no index, no-follow),
  • Pages with slow loading.

One of the most complete tools for this is the Screaming Frog. The tool offers full reports on the items we've shown above. 

But auditing can also combine other tools, such as SEMrush and Google Search Console. 

What is Local SEO?

One of Google's priorities in recent years has been local-intentioned search. Understand why this is!

The search engine understands that a user looking for solutions in a certain region must receive answers in a different way, with more practical and objective information, instead of a list of links as in the traditional SERP.

In this type of search, Google triggers the local search algorithm, which prioritizes results in the region where the user is located or that he types in the search terms. 

In the results, the search engine usually presents information from Google My Business directly on the SERP, so that the user does not always need to access the brand's website (in the same line as we explained about featured snippets).

So, this was an article on A Short Guide on SEO - Search Engine Optimization. I hope you found this article helpful, and if you have any doubt then feel free to ask questions in the comment sections below I'll be happy to assist you as soon as possible.

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