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Top Freelancing Skills That Might be in Demanding in Future

I need to make a confession: when I decided to go solo and be a full-time freelancer, I didn't imagine that this would demand so much from me. And I'm not talking about my job as a content writer, but about skills that go far beyond what I studied or needed to learn during my professional life.

The other day I was organizing my to-do list for the week and realized that I spend a good deal of my time making proposals, looking at contracts, issuing invoices, trying to make a decent cash flow. Oh my god, as no one has told me before then as a journalist freelancer would I need to see so many numbers in front of me? Help!

Maybe you think I'm the most innocent person in the universe, but maybe you haven't thought about it yet either. For this reason, I have separated in this post some not-so-expected skills that a freelancer needs to have to ensure success in this career. I hope it helps!

10 Essential Skills for a Freelancer

Before, one of the essential skills for a freelancer was to make coffee, because in this we are experts. The day-to-day demands from us much more complex knowledge so that “our company” doesn't stop functioning as it should. Get to know the main ones:

1. Networking

If you want to gain more clients and be a recognized professional for the service you provide, you need to increase your network of contacts. For this, you'll have to participate in events without fear of talking to strangers, approach potential clients and work partners on LinkedIn, leave the home office a little, and also expose your brand, via digital portfolio or a blog (as I do here on Living on Freela !).

2. Negotiation

Set prices, adjust project deadlines, convince the client that the solution presented is better than what he was thinking. Every freelancer needs to be a master when negotiating, mainly because it is not possible to escape this in our routine, however different that is the service provided. It's worth studying the subject, learning effective techniques so you don't lose every battle.

3. Project Management

Unlike what happens in many formal jobs, as a freelancer, you work with several clients at the same time, on very different projects – each with its main objectives and activities. Without good project management, it is very likely that you will get lost and end up leaving some of them uncovered.

Look for tools that help you keep your management up to date, there are several free and for different types of projects. I use Pipefy and I really like it!

4. Accounting

Even if you have the support of a contractor for your company, you need to dedicate yourself minimally to keep your situation regular. Assuming you already have a CNPJ to gain more clients, right?

There are several responsibilities in this case, from issuing invoices to the annual declaration. Always keep documentation up to date and understand the taxes you are paying.

Tip: a good option to become regularized as a freelancer is to become MEI and, in this case, there are accountants who provide free support for opening and maintaining the company.

5. Marketing

As a freelancer, you also need to learn effective ways to promote your work, whether betting on personal marketing or looking for alternatives to present you as a company. Since we don't have the budget of a large company to invest in marketing, the solution is to bet on digital marketing and low-cost alternatives.

Creating a blog, having a good portfolio, and keeping social media profiles up to date are some basic steps to reach your potential customers.

6. Design

Everyone needs to submit proposals, write reports, create presentations…Having a minimum of design knowledge helps to convey a much more professional image to your work at this time. Learn what you can about visual concepts and rely on tools like to create your pieces.

7. Writing

As a freelancer, you will also need to write – a lot! From a simple email to an in-depth article to publicize your work on a partner blog. I'm suspicious of talking, but I believe that by reading a lot and being inspired by the styles and formats of text that you admire, it's not very difficult to start expressing yourself effectively in texts.

Not being difficult, however, doesn't mean it does not work: get into writing practice to improve that skill! It's even worth repeating the exercises to tell how the vacation went…

8. Finances

Help, I have to deal with finances! Yes, as a freelancer you will need to maintain a very complete cash flow, considering that you have several sources of income, which can vary from month to month. Have at least one Excel spreadsheet to help you do this control, and don't forget to factor in all of your labor expenses. This knowledge is essential for pricing your freelancers!

9. Communication

Presentations, lectures, texts, reports, emails, meetings… if communication is not your forte, in whatever format, it's time to improve! I, for example, had great difficulty speaking in public. Working as a freelancer, however, often forces me to make presentations. What do I do? I train a lot at home, take a deep breath and fill myself with courage! In the end, I can communicate as securely as writing here on the blog.

10. Sales

I left this item for last because I haven't found any freelancers who love to sell their own work. If you are one of them, introduce yourself!

Anyway, we are obliged to sell daily, whether our services or our personal image. For this, it is necessary to learn about prospecting, approach, and follow up – or the volume of jobs becomes much smaller than it could be. Follow blogs that talk about the sales process, such as HubSpot. This will help you to better think about your potential customers' pains and how your services can solve them.

Knowing these skills, you already understand that being a freelancer is becoming a complete company, right? That's what we don't even talk about in Human Resources, Administrative, etc. Areas whose skills we also need to develop!

If you're betting on this solo career, don't leave any of these points unattended: they could be the factors that will determine your success as an “express”.

So, this was an article on10 Demanding Freelancing Skills You Need to Know as a Beginner. I hope you found this article helpful, and if you have any doubt then feel free to ask questions in the comment sections below I'll be happy to assist you as soon as possible.

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