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India Republic Day Quotes, Messages And Wishes In English

A proud moment when the Constitution of India came into existence is celebrated as the Indian Republic Day on 26 January every year. The entire country celebrates the day with utter enthusiasm and patriotism. A national holiday, several programs are organized all over to celebrate and show love and respect towards the country. Flag hoisting ceremonies along with patriotic songs is a common scene throughout the country. One of the other ways people celebrated is by sending Republic Day quotes, messages and wishes.
Republic Day Quotes, Messages and Wishes

As We Match Out
In The Spirit Of Brotherhood And Nationhood,
Let Us Not Forget To Defend
The Colors Of Our Flag With All We Have.
Happy Republic Day!

Today Is The Day When Everyone Young Or Old,
Tall Or Short,
Light Skin Or Dark Must Come Together
To Show The Whole World
That This Nation Is The Best Nation
Under The Sun.
Happy Republic Day!

We Might Not Be The Richest Nation In The World,
We Might Be Deprived Of The Finances
And The Luxuries Of This World,
But My Brothers And Sister
Let Us Maintain Our Peaceful Coexistence
And Above All Love For Our Nation.
Happy Republic Day!

Let Every Teacher Teach
The Student How To Love This Nation,
Let Every Parent Instill
In His Or Her Sons And Daughters
The Beauty Of Our Nation.
Happy Republic Day!

Independence Is Always A Wonderful Gift From God.
May This Wonderful Nation
Remain Independence Forever!
Happy Republic Day To You!

May You Have Enough Happiness
To Make You Sweet,
Enough Trials To Make You Strong,
Enough Sorrow To Keep You Human And
Enough Hope To Bring Joy To Our Nation.
Happy Republic Day!

Let Us Pray For
The Prosperity and Unity of Our Country
On this Republic Day
As We Remember Those Who Fought
to Give Us the Freedom
Vande Mataram!

The Almighty In The Most High Grants
Liberty Only To Those Who Love It,
And Are Always Ready To Defend It
Happy Republic Day!

May The Brightest Star
In Its Course
Visit No Land More Free,
Happier, More Lovely,
Than This Our Own Land.
My Best Wishes To You
On This Republic Day!

The Far We Have As A Nation,
The Endless Problems,
And The Struggle For Justice,
Freedom And Equal Rights
For Every Patriot Calls For Love,
Peace And Unity Among The Citizens Of This Nation.
Happy Republic Day!

Recalling and Rejoicing
In the Victory of Our Freedom Fighters
on This Republic Day
Best Wishes to All
Vande Mataram!

Rejoice In the Glory of India
and Its Freedom Fighters
on This Republic Day
We Wish You All
A Happy Republic Day Vande Mataram!

We Salute the Brave Souls of India
Bhagat Singh
Mahatma Gandhi
Sarojini Naidu and
Rabindranath Tagore
on This Republic Day!

Even As We Celebrate This Memorable Day
In The History Of Our Mother Nation,
Let Us Keep Checking On Our Underprivileged
Brothers And Sisters On The Streets;
Let Us Show The Beauty Of This Nation
To Everyone Regardless Of Social,
Economic Or Financial Background.
Happy Republic Day!

Waking Up Every Day In A Peaceful Nation
Is Not As Easy As It May Seem To Be.
We All Need To Be Proud Of
The Peaceful Atmosphere In Our Nation.
Happy Republic Nation!

When They Resisted The Booming
And Shelling Of The Colonial Guns,
Our Founder Fathers Wanted Nothing
But Sovereignty For This Nation,
Let Us Always Defend This Gift
From Our Predecessors.
Happy Republic Day!

Reunite On This Republic Day
To Celebrate the Victory of Our Freedom Fighters
and Rejoice in the Sacrifices
That Made It Possible On This Republic Day,
Let Us Unite In the Chant Vande Mataram
and Let the Glory of Our Land
and the Spirit of India Live Forever

Republic Day Is the Time to Recall
The Famous Vande Mataram
The Chant That Gave Us The Freedom
May The Indian Spirit Prosper Forever
To Remember Is To Cherish
Let Us Remember and Chant Vande Mataram!

All May There Be Peace and Prosperity
and May We Rejoice In the Blessings
that Our Country Has Given Us
Happy Best Republic Day Wishes to All!

Hope the above Republic Day Quotes, Messages and Wishes help you in bringing in the patriotic feel and send some amazing messages to your friends and family
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