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7 Important Tips for Structuring Your Website Perfectly

In this post, we will discuss the general structure of a website - Like Domain names, page count, folder names, and how content should be placed on a page or post.

7 Important Tips for Structuring Your Website Perfectly | How to Structure a Site, Site structure, how to create site structure, structuring our site

1. Structure Site By Theme and Topic

The general category of your website dictates it is the theme. The theme of your website is generally your primary keyword phrase, discusses in: How to do Keyword Research

For Example, If your site provides services like coding, then the theme of your site would be on coding. You would also have pages that discuss specific or more refined categories like tutorials on HTML and CSS, on your theme.

Tip : normally, Your site is only about one major subject or category. if you have more than one major subject for your site, for example, your provide knowledge about coding and technology than you should strongly consider creating multiple sites, one per subject.

Next, you would add links on each page so that each major subject should link to each page correctly.

So, to properly structure a site that provides different services or content categories, you should split the content into different pages.

In the end, you ideally want a single topic, category, or keyword phrases, applied per page correctly.

2. Create Lots of Pages 

A website with lots of pages in general ranks better than another site that has just a few pages, It's better to have a 50-page site with short pages than a 5-page site with long content. Each page should contain a minimum of 200 words of text to maximize relevance with Google. The short page also indexed faster and download faster. 

Note : You lose 10% of your visitors for every second it takes your page to download and display in their browser. You page should be loaded before 5 second because it is better for you and your customers. 

Also, You need pages like About Us, Contact Us Page, Terms and Conditions, and other important pages with real content that don't copy from any other website.

Try to avoid animation, junk graphics, large images, javascript, or anything else that may decrease your page speed. Also be sure your page using <h1> <h2> and <h3> heading tags and include your keywords in these tags. It will give your pages more relevance with Google.

Write content by hand, don't use any software programs for generating web pages because google may consider your pages as duplicate content.

 Here is an example of pages you should contain for your site.

1. Home Page
2. Your Main Service or Content pages
3. FAQ Page 
4. About Us
5. Contact Us
6. Sitemap Page 
7. Link to us
8. Copyright
9. Terms and Condition page
10. Disclaimers
11. Privacy Policy 

The benefit of adding more and more pages to your site will be increasing your site's total PR Value(PAGE RANK).

What is Page Rank? - Click Here 

The main idea is to separate content into different pages by category (keyword phrase) within your site. let's take another example, suppose that a website provides knowledge about gadget review and that is the theme of the site ( main keyword). This site also provides knowledge about mobile review, laptop review, and tablet review so for this example each page of the site mentions all these three review types.

The correct way to structure our site is to have different pages for a different topic. Each page is strongly relevant for one topic ( one keyword phrase).

3. Don't Nest Your Pages

When Google crawls your website, it normally starts with the home page and then crawls each link of the pages. Google find your home page in turn from following a link on another website that points
with your site.

Google assigns pages located in other a lower score than pages located in the root folder.

generally, Google does not like to index your website that is more than two folder levels deep. ideally, all pages should live in the same folder as your home page.

4. Do Not Bloat Your Pages With Code 

Google has a time limit while it crawls any site. If you have a large code of the site, Google may not have time to crawl your all pages during 1st and 2nd passes. The solution to this problem is to keep the
code of your web pages lean and clean.

Frequently web pages are comprised of 80%+ javascript code and style code. Right-click a web page and then click view source - You will find the amount of code present. Google ignores such code but still takes time to interact with the user.

Put your JS code in a separate (.js) fine and link to it from the <head> section of each web page. 

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="yourfile.js">

For CSS File  :

<linl rel="stylesheet" href="Yourfile.css"/>

5. Stay Away From Frames

The popular website uses frames and neither should you. Yes, They provide some degree of navigational but google search engines cannot properly crawl or index framed websites and also visitors can not bookmark any page of your site.

6. Consider Keywords in Your Domain Name

This factor may be an important factor for your website if you also use a domain name in your whole website. Google currently does look to see if your keywords are used in the domain name of your site.

7. Pay Attention To Your Dynamic Page URLs 

Many of the sites display content dynamically from a database. Simple examples include search engines on a site that returns directory pages, product pages, etc other pages. all dynamic pages can be identified by the "?" The symbol in the URL,,php?id=1&style=a

Google can crawl and index dynamic pages as long as you don't have more than 2 parameters in the URL ( above link example two parameters separated by "&" ). Google may not spider your dynamic pages for some time. spiders do not want to get caught in a loop of trying to index hundreds of potential pages.

An easy solution is to create static pages with hard-coded links to your most important dynamic pages whenever possible. You can add a sitemap page for this purpose. In this way, you easy as possible for google to find all your important pages.

There is a more advanced technique called URL rewriting whereby you place a script on your server which changes a URL dynamic to a static page.

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